Are u wasting time to save money? Rather waste money to save time! Instead of spending time to save money use that time to chase your dream :) (by JYPark)


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Crazy Saturday!

今天的活动主要是练体力 =3=
还青蛙跳tim!够够力!脚痛 T..T
Caydence还来撞我的头 = = 很痛耶~
2 banana smash 2gether xDD

搞到我头很痛 = =

 忙忙忙忙忙忙忙忙忙忙忙忙忙忙 ....


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day

A Dad is a person

who is loving and kind,

And often he knows

what you have on your mind.

He's someone who listens,

suggests, and defends.

A dad can be one

of your very best friends!

He's proud of your triumphs,

but when things go wrong,

A dad can be patient

and helpful and strong

In all that you do,

a dad's love plays a part.

There's always a place for him

deep in your heart.

And each year that passes,

you're even more glad,

More grateful and proud

just to call him your dad!

Thank you, Dad...

for listening and caring,

for giving and sharing,

but, especially, for just being you!

Happy Father's Day

Friday, June 17, 2011

Is time to update my blog :)

Wow so long din update ady zzz

今天教师节真的是很废 = =
集会过后我们没事做只能到处溜,溜到1030就可以回了 = =
早知道不要去 =)

I use my phonecam to capture what my webcam capture tat wat i'm doing with my phonecam.... lol


I receive my beast's album tat day (4got wat day le =v=, i noe is the 1st week of holiday =D)
omg xD

I love it ;)

I din buy limited edition 1 cuz too expensive lol

and i love da paster so so so much!

Now i wanna buy Block B 1st mini album ;D 

Tracklist :
1. Halo
2. 가서 전해
3. U Hoo Hoo
4. Wanna B
5. 그대로 멈춰라!
6. 나만 이런거야?
7. 가서 전해 (INST)
8. 그대로 멈춰라! (INST)

GTG Byeee