Are u wasting time to save money? Rather waste money to save time! Instead of spending time to save money use that time to chase your dream :) (by JYPark)


Friday, August 24, 2012

Random Post

Oh well holiday gonna end wtf - - 
and i think maybe this is the last post b4 my SPM (?) sighh OTL
Have to work hard and hard and hard and hard...

Oh ya i have a good news to share with u all!

hee hee :)

Have lots of things to do after my SPM :

1. Have my driving license - can hang out with friends anytime lol
2. Work - to gain life experience
3. Buy a new phone - my phone button got problem - - zzz and my mum said that if i further studies at somewhere else, it is better to have a smartphone with me heeeheee :)
4. Buy a DSLR - yess! and my dad said that he is going to buy for me next year! 

Okay i think thats all. Nothing much to say erm type - -
So byebye all!
Coming bck after SPM! 
If i'm free i will be bck anytime. (but i think it's impossible :P)

Goodluck every1~
u can do it!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Friend's Bday Celebration

Hey dearest readers xoxo lol
i'm bck again during the holiday but holiday so what?! Trial exam is coming soon wtf -,- and then the real SPM ishhhh have to use the time wisely during the holiday to prepare for the exam. Yes it's for own good la to have a good result in exam :)
Ok don't talk craps anymore bck to topic haha
040812 Saturday!
Went to celebrate HuiNee's birthday at M.Berries with YC, Angelynna,JM & YM.
B4 HuiNee reach there v went to summer bakery (just beside the m.berries) bought cake for her. A lovely cake haha

Angelynna :)

JM & Angelynna. 

jiang jiang! Bday girl - HuiNee with a sweet smile :D

guess what? HuiNee bring us sushi that she made herself (Y) nice!

me & YC (i don't knw why i'm doing this pose OTL)

lai take photo 1st b4 taking out the cake haha 

box of the cake lol

Do u knw how do v get the candle light up? haha 
Okay it's like this.
When v took out the cake and put on the candle and v realise that none of us have bring lighter or match. V want to borrow from the shop keeper at m.berries but they don't have it. So, YC & I went bck to Summer Bakery to borrow lighter haha! 

Angelynna said :" take a picture of me cutting the cake." erm - - y u cut de? 

After a while, YM came and meet us :)
strawberry girl :P
 V talk a lot there & sharing things together (gossip actually) for about 2 hours?! haha
B4 went bck home v still continue taking picture lol

Actually this picture is NG 1. because HuiNee's eyes was closing XD
and when v look bck all the photo that have HuiNee, v found that almost all her picture sure got close eyes 1 haha! so v have to take many times :P

That's better :)

best friend since 2006 ●▽●

Thanks Angelynna's brother to bring me home!
That is the best chit-chat day with them ^__^
Friendship 4ever!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Crazy Friends Wonderful World

Hey readers! School's 2nd class test have ended! (quite a long time ady i think :P) 
and this is my 100th post!! yeah!!!!! LOL - - oh finally...
Who is this hardworking girl?! errhmm -,-

Okay bck to topic,
Stich (YiLing) jio me to go SAKAE on Friday (i 4got which friday ady = =) to have lunch so i accepted her :P
After school my dad bring us to auto-city! Thankyou dad, really TT

I think we order quite a lot of foooood haha and keep taking photo like crazy u know -,-

Okay photos tell everything! Photo stories time!

Guess what she was trying to eat :P

 tadah! a full spoon of onion! She said she hate onion (+1 me too -,-) so she gonna get rid of the onion 1st LOL

 checking the menu

sookyee & sushi en

me and stich

 blogger's solo time!


Finished eating and photo taking , we went Guardian to buy something then Tutti Frutti! eat again lol tam chiak lo us :P

pacman. haha

#posing 1

#posing 2

transformed into mickey but #challengefailed :P

Anyway really have a nice day with them!
BFF xoxo :)
Gonna hang out with them next time for sure haha.

#upcoming post : Friend's bday celebration 
stay tuned hoho.