Are u wasting time to save money? Rather waste money to save time! Instead of spending time to save money use that time to chase your dream :) (by JYPark)


Friday, December 14, 2012

[NOTICE] Move.

I'm gonna reveal my secret plan now. Tadah! 

Hey readers, i'm moving to a new blog. Yea, because something happen to this blog like some photo have error and u can't see it, my blog's header also dissapear - -. So i make a decision, a hard decision that is to move to a new blog. Why is it a hard decison? Because i have already been using this blog for 3 years and all those page views i have gain! It's really sad that i need to leave this blog :( Anyway a new blog means a new life for me as this blog is like forever alone TT and some fangirling things lol Well...there will be a giveaway on our new blog (me and Caydence) for the relaunching. Yeah! Stay tuned.

For any advertising, review or sponsorship enquiries please email to
I will start doing this on my new blog. 

Please relink me if u have linked my blog b4 :) Thankyou.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Secret Plan

WooHoo! Hi readers, i'm back. I'm free from SPM!
Holidays start now!
I have so many things to do on this long long holiday when waiting the result.
So...i promise to blog about my graduation day right? 
But...wait. Why? Because i'm coming up with secret plan with Caydence lol
I will reveal it sooooooooooooooon :)

And...I'm just back from Race In, something like Running Man (korea famous variety show)that organized by my class and i'm the one of the committee, haha.
Please support us on Facebook maybe? 
*click here*
We are trying to come up with videos too. 

So, i think i'm gonna stop here and continue on my secret plan LOL