Are u wasting time to save money? Rather waste money to save time! Instead of spending time to save money use that time to chase your dream :) (by JYPark)


Monday, November 21, 2011


My holiday kinda sucks and boring -,- 
Eh caydence v gonna hang out soon!!!! LOL
abo v really rotten at home 하하하하 :P

Too bored. Gonna find something to eat lol

Actually this is for TAKEN테이큰  :P


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Genting + KL (Part 2)

我是大头 :P

Genting + KL (Part 1)

Day 3 - KL

好了 今天回来更新第3天和第4天的行程 

早餐 LOL
很随便的早餐 -,-

哦 对了 忘记说一些 趣事  哈哈
有读Phy或科学的应该知道这原理吧 :P
pong pong 好像要爆炸了 -,-



OK back to the topic!
吃饱了 休息饱了 大概12+点酱才开车下KL
因为KL的路实在太多了 @@
哪里知道那个GPS的charger好像有问题在车charge不到 zzz
算了 到最后用手机的GPS 
software的名字叫PAPAGO LOL
蛮不错用的 -,-
到Ampang的亲戚家就休息 ((again pff
所以说根本没有时间shopping TAT

Day 4 - Going Home

中红眼症 -,-
过后去吃早餐咯 hohoho
当然是吃Ampang最最最出名的Ampang Yong dao fu 

P/s : 照片从以前的post拿的,因为没拍到 -,-

吃饱饱 回家!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

For Caydence!

那个贪吃鬼 (erm 可以酱说)—— Caydence 生病了
为了sia我,她自己下厨煮了cordon bleu & popcorn chicken
拍了照upload到FB 看到我流口水 =Q=
谁叫你要sia我 :P
好厉害 =..=
很赞有没有 TAT
哈哈 好好照顾自己

也对啦 水肿 囧

其实是没有topic了才拿Caydence来当我这篇post的主角 ((噗

OK a short and simple and random update.... :P
祝你早日康复 lalalala

Monday, November 14, 2011

Genting + KL (Part 1)

Day 1
Wake up early in the morning about 4.30am...yea early
After grooming and everything is ok le den v start our journey to Genting

Car is full because v go for 4 days and 3 nights lol
On the way...the moon is out of shape zzz
Cuz its still early so after put the song tat i hav dl to listen den i fall asleep :P
At about 10+ am v hav our breaklunch at genting的山脚下 lol
Eat wan tan mee !!
Eat till my shirt bcum dirty zzz
After eating v continue our journey again and v reach there at about 11+ am
Check in at 1st world hotel
auto check in
After check in, rest and eat v play indoor at the 1st day hoho
gang gang hao raining outside 
Me & sis

Indoor playing things i just skip it  -,-
cuz just a few things only like bumper car, roler coaster, 4D movie etc...
Me, my bro and sis play bumper car and roler coaster N times lol

Later v went shopping 
HoHo my mum bought 2 scarf
and i bought some

The date of the 1st day v go genting is 11/11/11
yea my mum Bday
so v celebrate with her at Genting

Me & ma sis
ignore my face lol
 Day 2 - Outdoor!!

V play flying coaster 1st
cuz last time v din play 
wow wow it is so scary -,-
my heart almost gone
当我上去过后我就开始后悔了 TAT
恐怖到半死!!还一直转来转去 @..@

Photo time!
Family photo (not include my sis, cuz she as the camera girl)

之前坐过,过后不敢坐了 -,-

can u c me?

(photo credit : google image) 
When v play this ((point up  
Our whole body include shoes, clothes, jeans and my socks get wet!!
After getting out from the boat erm ya the BOAT lol 
i start shaking cuz my whole body is wet and is cold ~..~ 

Ok stop here,
I'll continue the next part asap,
but only left few things.