Are u wasting time to save money? Rather waste money to save time! Instead of spending time to save money use that time to chase your dream :) (by JYPark)


Friday, September 28, 2012


I have passed my Undang test!!
B4 the test, i was so so so nervous
and my heartbeat rate increases lol.
During the test, i do it so carefully 
cuz i don't hope to retake the test again
and it cost RM35 for just a test!
U c, it's not that worth to retake the test.
So i said to myself : i must pass. i must pass. -_-
Haha thx to all my friends that gave me support and goodluck wishes lol
and honestly, the test was quite easy (●′ω`●)

Friday, September 21, 2012

How to reduce pain during menstrual period

Hey yo! Trial exam has finally ended! 
And y am i blog about this? *as u saw at the title*
cause i'm also a girl ma - - get it? 
Dunoe y i'm suffering from the pain during the period this time (normally i didn't have any feeling during my period lol - -) until need to take painkiller (panadol) to reduce it.
when i woke up in the morning i was like this and walk like a granny 

Okay no more crap bck to topic!
I knw the pain is really suffering,and it will affect our mood & daily activities. So how to reduce it?

  • Apply a heating pad to your lower belly area, below your belly button. Never fall asleep with the heating pad on.
  • Do light circular massage with your fingertips around your lower belly area.
  • Drink warm beverages like hot milo, etc.
  • Eat light but frequent meals.
  • Follow a diet rich in complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, but low in salt, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine.
  • Keep your legs raised while lying down, or lie on your side with your knees bent.
  • Take warm showers or baths.
  • Walk or exercise regularly, including pelvic rocking exercises.
  • Lastly i will only recommend you to have painkiller (panadol) when you really really need it to reduce the pain cause consume too much painkiller is not good to our health :)
Hope it will help! Have a happy period :) (lol who is happy when the period start :P everyone erm i mean girls was like wtf that thing come again zzz) haha
btw i'm trying to come up with some tutorials. What kind of tutorial? Wait for me and you will knw! 

Lastly introduce a song for u guys! Im in love with this song recently, love the lyrics too :)

Friday, September 14, 2012


Guess what?! 
Its Friday!! #TGIF
I lub friday :*
The blogger is bck....just for now lol 
4 more days to go (exclude weekends & Monday) till the Trial Exam end!

my face during exam .__.  *from my instagram @ewen95*

And i think i didn't do it great at some subject i was like :/
but i do quite good at Math and Addmath than last time :X

Btw Mooncake festival is coming soon.
My mum is addicted of making mooncake -_- 
gonna show u all da mooncake 
*as my ending post*