Are u wasting time to save money? Rather waste money to save time! Instead of spending time to save money use that time to chase your dream :) (by JYPark)


Sunday, April 15, 2012


Hey There! Mind for a little helping hand?
哈咯~能帮帮忙一下吗? ><

Kindly click a like on these links please..
* remember to click the 'like' button on the page before proceeding or the voting is won't be counted
It's pretty easy, just click 'like' on both of the links below

1st Step 第一步骤:

2nd step第二步骤:

先此致谢 谢谢呐!
We thank you for your consideration and cooperation 

P/s : Will have a give away on Dec so stay tuned :D

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Caydence's 17th Bday

Wow Wow Wow 
As i mention at my title of my blog post, 2day (7th of April) is my BFF - Caydence's Bday :) 
Happy 17th BIRTHDAYYYYYYY, can go for car license test le :P
i bought her a bag of snacks :X
We know each other since F1
从好朋友变成 BFF :*
谢谢你 在我emo的时候当我的聆听者,给我意见
不罗嗦了要说的我已经写进Bday card了 haha
Have lots of memory with her ♥ 
Photo sharing time :)
I will share some photo start from 2011 :P

# movie together
# Sleepover @ her house
# miss the day :(
# went for a trip 2gether

# guess wat?! fooling with her @ her house
There is a lot of photo and memory between me and Cay....
If i put all den 后果不堪设想 - - 
Happy Bday again XD xoxo

*Friend is one, who (F)inds you in a (R)ush of people, (I)nspires you to do something in life, catch your (E)motions and (N)ever leaves you till (D)eath.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


♥ April ! Because it's my birthday month :*

And that means that the mid year exam is coming soon TT so sad 
but i still din have the mood to study fffffffffff - -
what am i going to do?! 
i feel so tired
everyday school, tuition, homework duh~ 
i feel so strees 
sometimes i feel like i wanna cry 
i have tired of all the things 
tired of pretend to smile when i'm NOT OK
tired of studies
tired of something else
but i need to stay strong for my own good :)

Ewen please stay strong! Don't let anything let you down!!!

Choose rather to be strong of soul than strong of body. B)